Jim Kanas: Jazz Guitarist - Folk Musician
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"Jim's school program was relaxed but professional in nature.His musical talent and ability to relate to children kept their attention and conveyed a great deal of information about American Folk Music in a way that was both controlled and fun."

Jane Patton, Director
Centralia Cultural Society
November 17, 1999


Jim Kanas swoosh
















Musical Saw










Pocket Instruments





Sweet Potato


Native Flutes




The Blues






Sea Shanties


Latin Influences


Native American






Rock and Roll














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Assemblies printable assembly poster- abbreviated info...

• Latin, African and European Roots
• Large assortment of instruments

• Narrated performance
• Historical background
• Intrinsic experience
• Student volunteers
• Interdisciplinary
• Cross-cultural
• Oral tradition

• The Blues

"The Development of American Music through its Ethnical Roots"

This assembly/presentation/performance traces the development of American music through its European, African and Latin roots. Students go on a guided journey through time from early American to modern jazz music and the origins of the blues, the thread of which is the "living oral tradition of folk music" and the process of which is related to improvisation. Mr. Kanas demonstrates, discusses, sings and performs on fiddle, spoons, saw, "dobro", "sweet potato", pocket instruments, flutes, banjo and others! Typically even the youngest listener is drawn into this highly acclaimed intellectual program. Audience participates by clapping in time, enacting motions, and singing in call-and-response. Some student volunteers are selected for demonstration assistance. K-12 (geared respectively, standard age grouping suggested)

Jim Kanas' American Folk Music Assembly Program
helps students at large and teachers understand their rich American Music heritage, and the significant contributions of their ancestors to it. Whether presented in a homogeneous or heterogeneous mix of students, Jim strives to instill a sense of stewardship with regard to American music and culture. Since many cultures have contributed to the evolution of blues, rock, jazz, country, gospel and bluegrass (American roots styles) the students end up at a "place" they are familiar with, American music. Jim incorporates a large assortment of of homemade, conventional, and world instruments to help convey concepts and hold the attention or participants.This program is a wonderful experience in the living oral traditions of American Roots Music and can be adapted for music students
with emphasis on techniques and theory, as well as history.

K-2 Assembly
Typically even the youngest audience members are riveted to this assembly program. The variety of instruments, nature of demonstration and level of hands-on holds their attention for the full duration of this program. All content and pacing is modified/ geared to match the level and age of the participants.

A mini- assembly is an assembly with approximately 50-100 participants and combines the general content or information of an assembly (it traces the development of American Music and the oral tradition) with some hands-on activities from breakout groups. There is not the same amount of detail as a regular assembly and not the degree of student engagement as in the breakout groups. Sometimes a school will request a mini-assembly to involve more students in hands-on activities or for reasons related to equity.

Assemblies trace the development of American music through its
ethnical roots ...
“Both the faculty and the students mutually agreed that it was the best assembly we have had! I was especially impressed at how well you related to the students and how well they related to you. You did an excellent job in expressing your love of and appreciation for music, and the students really picked up on this.” 
Garry K. Falcone, Principal
Concord Lutheran School, Grades 4-8
Addison, IL

"Styles of American Jazz and Improvisation"

Jim's Jazz Styles Assembly Program is retrospective with an emphasis on improvisation and style. This assembly can be geared to music students and/or students at large, elementary or high school. Breakout sessions target band, orchestra and vocal students.

Jim’s jazz trio performed traditional and contemporary jazz for students and teachers. This narrated performance is retrospective in regard to jazz styles and is an opportunity to learn more about the process of improvisation. In a residency or small group sessions, the students would be engaged in improvisation throughout. So, it is logical that they be exposed to, and take part in an American art form (jazz) which hinges on elements are familiar with, such as the blues, call-and-response, and improvisation.

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